Anxiety or Anxiety disorder ” There is a lot going on in the world now a day and everyone has already got a lot on their plates to deal with. There are so many aspects in life such as work, family, relationships, and friendships that cause people to be anxious especially teenagers due to social media which creates the anxious feeling that they are missing out as they witness that other people have a good time and they don’t have such good enjoyable e time.
Needless to mention that the spread of Covid-19 which is a contagious virus that increased the rates of anxiety all around the world. Even though it’s obvious that some people feel anxious for convenient reasons, some feel anxious for no apparent reasons. So, this takes us to one of the most asked questions what is the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorder?
The natural response to stress is anxiety. It’s a sense of fear or fear of what’s coming. Such anxiety is a natural way for the body to prepare for a significant event. You would also have noticed how, when the event had started, you started to calm down and your heart stopped thumping. In fact, such anxiety helps us to do better by alerting us more.
Accordingly, Regular anxiety is clearly being concerned about bills, job interviews, tests, or other significant events. The sensation of ‘butterflies in your stomach’ before a public presentation or a big meeting. Also, it can be the fear of a dangerous object, place, or situation. Furthermore, it is a Grief or worries directly after a traumatic event such as the loss of a loved one.
Anxiety disorder
In the case of an anxiety disorder, you may always have a feeling of fear. It’s intense and sometimes devastating. You may stop doing things you like in this kind of anxiety. You can avoid entering the lift, crossing the street, or even leaving your house in extreme situations. this kind of anxiety will continue to worsen if left untreated. Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anybody at any stage.
It is difficult to say when anxiety can be diagnosed as an anxiety disorder. Accordingly, here are some most common symptoms of anxiety disorder:
- Heavy breathing and increased cardiac speed
- increased tension in the muscle
- The Sensation of strain in the chest
- Unfounded and growing concerns and unrest
- Obsessing unnecessary things that lead to compulsive conduct
If you have observed these symptoms in a friend or family member, you must talk to them about their conceivable condition and recommend them to meet a mental health expert.
The most frequent causing factors of anxiety disorders are:
- Family history: People with a history of mental health problems can usually have anxiety problems. In a family, for example, OCD can be transmitted.
- Stressful events: stress on the job, a loved one’s loss, or disturbances in relationships can also cause symptoms of anxiety.
- Health problems: Health conditions can also lead to anxiety, including thyroid, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. People with depression may also develop anxiety symptoms. For example, someone with a long time of depression may begin to underperform at work. This can then lead to work stress that can cause anxiety.
- Substance use: people who use medicines, alcohol, and other substances heavily become anxious when the effects are beginning to degenerate (in withdrawal).
- Factors of personality: Sometimes, individuals with certain characteristics, like perfectionists or control-lovers, develop anxiety-related issues.
Types of anxiety disorders
In different ways, anxiety affects people leading to various disorders. the most common forms of anxiety disorders are:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):
People with GAD are overly anxious and worried about different events and situations. They have trouble controlling anxiety and worry, are restless, and the feeling kept up or on the brink constantly. Such individuals in particular are not concerned about anything and no specific trigger exists.
Compulsive Disorder Obsessive (OCD):
OCD people are constantly thinking and worrying about it. By performing some actions repeatedly, they alleviate this concern. For example, someone afraid of germs and contamination will wash their hands and vessels at home repeatedly.
Disorder of social phobia/social anxiety: Persons with social anxiety disorders are concerned about social and performance situations in which they can be scrutinized by others. You are extremely concerned about the humiliation or embarrassment of something they do or do. These people cannot deal with daily situations like talking or even eating in public.
Specific phobias: Phobias are unfounded fears and people with a phobia go long to avoid the object or situation they are concerned about. They could be worried about aircraft, crowded areas, and harmless things such as spiders and high elevation buildings.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
To be part of a highly traumatic event like accidents or assaults can lead to the development of PTSD at a later date. Due to constant reversions of the event, the person has difficulty sleeping or relaxing.
Panic disorder:
Panic sufferers suffer from uncontrollable panic attacks and include a number of physical symptoms including dizziness, respiratory deficiency, and excessive suction. They also reported psychological symptoms (thinking) such as impending doom and feel like “I’ll die,” or “I’ll go insane” during these episodes. Such attacks occur without apparent reason, and the person lives in constant fear of another episode of that kind.
Treatment for anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders can be overcome, but the seriousness of the problem cannot be underestimated. It is best to seek professional advice and treatment when suffering from any of the above symptoms. Anxiety disorder is treated by medication for anxiety, counseling, or a combination of both.
Caring for someone with anxiety disorders
If you have a family member or a colleague who is suffering from anxiety disorders, your support can help in reducing their distress. The first thing you should do, like any disease, is to learn about the patient so that you can understand the condition of the patient. Managing people with anxiety disorders requires a lot of patience, but they must be pushed to face stress or fears from time to time to overcome these fears. It is crucial that you find the right balance for this.
Coping with anxiety disorders
You can learn numerous skills to manage your anxiety. Some of the common techniques people use are positive thinking, stress management, a healthy lifestyle, Yoga, meditation, and relaxation. Trying to manage your own anxiety can be difficult, especially if you experience a lot of discomfort and uneasiness. In these cases, it is always a good idea to get expert advice.
In conclusion to what was previously mentioned, anxiety disorders can be a serious disease and people must not underestimate such a thing. Anxiety disorder can prevent you from enjoying life and doing things you love and enjoy. Also, there are different types of anxiety disorder accordingly, you must seek the help of mental health expert to diagnose which type of anxiety disorder you have and to help you overcome it.
Furthermore, people who suffer from anxiety disorder can use medication or consultation to help them improve their condition and to have a normal life and being able to enjoy it. In addition, people who suffer from anxiety disorder can change their lifestyle, change the way they think and observe things, practice yoga, and do meditation which will help them manage their anxiety.
Finally, if you have any symptoms of anxiety disorder or you know someone showing symptoms of anxiety disorder, it is recommended to visit a mental health specialist to receive the help needed to get over your anxiety disorder or manage it.
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